Saturday, January 18, 2014

Am I Bovvered?

Sometimes in your blogging career, you're forced to interact with ridiculously childish individuals whom you have to call "peers" due to certain circumstances. These types of people will unfortunately refuse to interact with you like an adult, and will instead turn back to the tried and true methods of childhood. Such as throwing a fit, name calling, and my personal favorite of "you can't play with me".

You see wonderful readers, I know my blog isn't exactly family friendly, and by no means would I ever expect anyone who visits this blog to even think that. I curse. A lot. I talk about violent video games, I cover topics that interest me, like this little gem about Victorian Memento Mori's, or this one about the Night Witches of WWII. There is no theme to my blog, and there is no need for me to have such either. I write like I talk, and I have no regrets about anything I post here. I love my corner of the internet, and I love the few dedicated readers I have managed to somehow wrangle into staying with me over the years.

However, that never keeps the childish individuals in the world from taking offence to the things I post here. In this society, it would honestly be shocking if no one in the entirety of the world wasn't offended by something they saw on the internet. I understand being offended, I can feel empathetic about your offence if you go about handling it like an adult...but since this is a post about childish people, well...I think you can see where this is going.

If you have an issue with something I post here, why not take a few seconds, shoot me an email, and we can chat about it. It's an amazingly simple process to talk to me about the content on my blog. You just look in my left side bar and I have this awesome little contact form right there for you to use. Just let me know what you don't like about my blog, and I'm more than happy to discuss it with you. I know my content isn't for everyone, and I honestly enjoy hearing from readers.

See how simple that was? See how civil, and polite, and mature you can be by using my contact form to talk to me about issues on my blog? Now, since we're still talking about childish individuals, I think you can probably guess by the amount of sarcasm dripping from this post, that someone took offence to what I wrote on my blog, and didn't handle it like the adult I expect my readers to be. You would be right.

They went and played the "I'm offended" card, and inevitably said "You can't play with me".

In the words of Catherine Tate: "Am I Bovvered?"

Love and Lightning Bugs,


  1. Just let it roll of your back and let those people fester in their own little miserable world and put up their fake ideals where no one swears or says bad things. Oh the terror!

    1. I'll try! It just gets so annoying...I know my frequent use of curse words might make people uncomfortable, but I have plenty of posts where I don't curse at all! If it's a product review, you can be sure it's going to be sqeekyfuckingclean.

  2. Sorry for your bad experience! It is a different world for sure!

    1. Thank you deary! It's just shocking to me how uptight will get over a few little curse words.

  3. You know what I love about your blog? It's that you and I can be on opposite ends on many things and still interact, respect and learn from each other! Sorry for that experience, but glad that there is a group of bloggers who treat each other with respect! Hope you have a great day tomorrow!

    1. Agree! I love visiting your blog, because I always find out about something new. It's so nice to be part of the Blog Ease family, where we all just act like adults!

  4. It's amazing how many adults don't act like it. Contacting someone can be a little scary, but it's much better than going behind someone's back. Love the video!

    1. Agreed! If I have an issue with something, I refer to privately contact them and explain why I didn't comment on that post, but chose another instead. Also, yes, I freaking adore that video, lol!

  5. You can't please everyone, so why not just please yourself? ;)

    1. That is great advice! After all, If I'm not happy blogging, why should I continue doing it?

  6. Negativity is part of the territory I think. I try to look at it as constructive criticism and learn from it.

    1. I totally agree with that...but I have to get some criticism for that to work, lol. If someone comes to this blog, gets offended, then gets me kicked out of a group because they were so upset, but I never learn who was upset, or the exact reasons besides the makes it kind of hard to make future posts better for that person. :/

  7. water off a duck's back. I'm glad that you were able to get it off your chest. You don't need a toxic relationship!

    1. My Great Grandma used to say that all the time! Still one of my favorite sayings. Thanks for the support! <3

  8. You won't please everyone or make them all happy. Just do what you do the best that you can and be true to you!

    1. How true that is! I tried for a YEAR to be a family friendly blog, who only talked about things that I though my readers would like, or didn't ruffle any feathers, and this blog nearly died. If I don't write for myself, then why keep writing?

  9. My husband's new parenting plan is "Disengage". He'll explain, clear up confusion and then disengage with our kids. No arguing or listening to arguing or talking back.

    I think I do the same thing with adults. I'd rather apologize or explain why I feel the way I do and then disengage. But there are a lot of people who don't feel the same way, lol. :)

    1. My dad had the same parenting thing going on! He talked to me like an adult, and expected me to act like one in return.

  10. Water off a duck's back, right? Sorry you had to deal with that.

    1. Thank you sweetie! I love that turn of phrase so much, omg.

  11. For what it's worth there's always going to be a childish person out there no matter who's writing or what they're writing about - those kinds should just be ignored.

    1. Agree. It would be easier to ignore them if they didn't make such a huge deal out of a few words though, lol. But like my Dad always says, "Don't feed the Trolls."

  12. No matter where you go, you will have childish people refusing to talk to you in a mature manner. Oh well, can't please everyone!

    1. So true! At this point, I'm almost done with editing myself on my blog anymore. It's going to start raining cuss words if people don't stop the whining, lol.

  13. Oh I have had those before. I had a blogger who now no longer speaks to me because I called her out on something. Guess what? I couldn't be bovvered either. :)

    1. Seriously? People can be so immature. Sorry that happened to you!

  14. you can't please everyone. and for pete's sake, it's the internet. if you don't like what someone says, close the tab!! it's not rocket science, trollers!

    1. Agreed! It all started on a group I USED to be a member of, where someone decided that getting me kicked out of the group with no explanation as to why, was better than just talking to me like the adult I expected them to be. Gotta love it.

  15. The blogging world is definitely an interesting one. You definitely can't please everyone. I have to remember that and keep in mind that I'm blogging for me and for my family (to have a lot of my thoughts in writing later in life.)

    1. I couldn't agree more. If you're not blogging mostly for yourself, and you're not happy, then why keep writing at all?

  16. Your blog is YOUR blog. What you choose to write about is your choice. I can't stand when people feel like they have a right to dictate what you choose to write about or post. If they don't like it they can go elsewhere! You really cannot please everyone and at some point it is wasted energy trying.

    1. Thank you so much for that. I am such a firm believer in letting everyone say/write what they feel inclined to. What right do I have to tell them that what they say is wrong, just because I don't like it?

  17. So, I totally see where you're going, and I don't know what you're referencing in particular. However, I don't like hearing (or reading) cusses so I can see why some get offended. Just my 2c.

    1. Being offended is one thing, but not bringing up your concerns with the writer is another completely. How am I supposed to address the issue, if there is no communication as to why someone is upset? I mean, if they don't want to read the post, find another I have about a 10 to 1 ration of non-cursing to cursing posts.

  18. We're all different and of course, we each have different ways of expressing our opinions or feelings and I respect you for that Isabella. Like others say, it's your blog, you don't need to please everyone. It's better to ignore them and just stay positive no matter what!

    1. How true that is. Thank you so much for the kind words!

  19. Don't worry about it! There is always going to be someone that has differences from you.

    1. Exactly. I think I'm just so aggravated because instead of talking to me like an adult, this person decided to just get me kicked out of a group completely, with no explanation as to why or what upset them. How I can fix something if I don't know what's broken?

  20. I find if I don't like the writings on someone's blog i won't visit. it isn't my place to tell them it offended me. they didn't write for ME. people are childish and quick to say they are hurt and i don't understand. we all have options. one of those options is to click the x and leave.

    1. Yep! I for one hate reading about a number of topics I see on blogs every day....but I put on my big girl panties and handle myself like a freaking adult.

  21. I don't get it how people can become offended by things on personal blogs. If you don't like the topic, or the swearing, find another blog to read!

  22. Try not to let other people in this world bring you down. Enjoy what you are doing, life is too short for drama right?

  23. I have had experiences like you describe in Facebook. I am a new blogger so haven't had time for that here yet. But I guess I'll meet one of those individuals here too. Although I rather would not.

  24. For one this is your blog!!! I am pretty sure no one is forced to visit, or read about it. Seems like someone has nothing better to do, or is jealous a bit much?? i say keep being unique and doing what you love!

  25. First off SQUEAL at David Tennant, I miss the 10th Doctor and can't believe it's going to be September before the show comes back *sigh* Secondly, I hate when people come to your area and judge you, people need to get a life!

  26. I just think if someone doesn't like someone else's content, they don't have to read it. They need not get nasty about it though. They can just go play somewhere else.

  27. If I don't like something, I just don't read it. I think it is very childish to post something negative...but the good thing is...this is your blog and you can easily delete it;)

  28. Everyone has an opinion, but those who choose to be nasty seem to be the ones who voice them loudest and most often. Someone will ALWAYS be offended. They don't have to read if they don't like it. Not responding to the nasties is the best way to handle them, I've found! -April

  29. I have to admit I would not contact you if I did not like a particular post, it is your blog and you should be able to do what you want with it. You can not please everyone and there is no point in trying. I do not get offended easily though, life is too short. If you ever had a post I did not like, I would simply skip it and wait for the next one as I like your blog.

  30. I am sorry to hear you have had problems. Sometimes we just have to rise above the childish behavior of others.
