Thursday, June 6, 2013

Photo Challenge: Play

Today's theme is "Play".

Each month I will reveal a list of daily prompts. All you have to do is use any camera you have (iPhone, Smartphone, Digital, DSLR, Polaroid…seriously anything that captures photos) and use the daily theme as inspiration. For example, if the theme is "peace", just take a photo of something that represents peace to you. It could be someone sleeping, a serene photo of a field, a favorite long as it's represents the theme!

If you would like to share photos, feel free to post a link to them on the wall of my blog page, tag @emmagyne or #JASHPhotoChallenge on Instagram or Twitter, share them on your blog, anything!  

That's it! There's no obligation to take a photo every day, or even to share it (though I would love to see your photos). The goal of this is to just take a few moments each day to be creative, work out the right side of your brain, and have FUN!

Want to join up and take the challenge? Here's the list of themes for the month!

Love and Lightning Bugs,


  1. I like photo challenges, I just need to stick with them! :)

  2. Great pic!! I would love to do a challenge like this.

  3. Love the photo! I need to get my creative juices flowing lol maybe this will help!

  4. That brings back so many memories. Love it.

  5. Love this pic of a classic game! Great shot!

  6. I love seeing people's photos in these challenges! Love your picture!

  7. Great idea. What a really fun way to engage people and help them improve their photography skills.
