Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Winter Sculptures

It recently snowed here, couple that with the fact that I've been sick for a week, and you get me huddled in a fort of blankets and pillows for a ridiculous amount of time. Oh did I mention that the heater in my house doesn't really work either? We have one wall heater all the way at the back of the house, in the furthest room from the my days have been recently filled with long periods of huddling for warmth, and then quick dashes to another room to gt something, go the bed, etc. Not the funnest thing.

So today, I had to walk the two blocks to the post office to get a package. Since it may be my only outing for a few more days, I thought I would take some photos of the pretty icicles I encountered along the way. Enjoy!

And yes, my fingers almost froze off taking these. it's 15 degrees here, with a 10 mph wind...BRRR!

Love and Lightning Bugs,


  1. Sorry that your house is cold. I have lived in houses with poor heating before and it was no picnic. Your pictures are gorgeous, though!


  2. I love photography! These are awesome! Sounds like it's really cold there! Sorry about the heat in your house! I've gone through that in my past. It's no fun!

  3. Wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing..

  4. Those are so beautiful! Thanks for taking the time to get pictures. We have only had rain this year so far, no snow.

  5. These are so pretty =] Great photography skills!

  6. So sorry you are cold and sick - but the pictures are gorgeous!!! Hope you feel better soon!

  7. You did a wonderful job phtographing those! They look beautiful! I always fancied myself a photographer, but need a much better camera! :)

  8. These are so pretty! You have a great eye for Nature Beauty. :-)

  9. Geeeez! I hope you can stay warm! Your pictures are amazing. Love them.

  10. We don't get that kind of weather here in San Diego but I still love the beauty of nature.

  11. Beautiful pics! gosh....nature is truly beautiful

  12. So pretty! I love icicles. Winter yields some beautiful natural wonders.

  13. I love these pictures. I love taking pictures of snow- it is so pretty and and just the way it sparkles in the sun (when the sun is out of course!)

  14. Pretty! I love snow pictures and icicles are always gorgeous.

  15. Dunno if I could ever get out in the teen digits to dang cold :) PLH
