Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1st Blogiversary Coming Up

As you may, or may not, know...my 1st Blogiversary is coming up soon!

I'm in the process of searching for sponsors for an awesome giveaway to be held for my Blogiversary, and I'm just curious...what would you like to see in the giveaway?

So far I have a few really great prizes, but I want to know what my readers would like to win!

Love and Lightning Bugs,


  1. Cash is always good! You could also give people a second chance at winning some of the prizes you have given away over the past year.

  2. Congrats on your bloggiversary, I really should figure out when my own is... LOL

  3. Can't wait to hear what all you find!

  4. Waiting for a sneak peak of what you're getting for the event!
