Monday, July 16, 2012

New Product - Disclosure Statements

It's time I added another new product to the shop!

I know many bloggers do reviews and giveaways on their blogs, and by law, a blog must now disclose when it has received items for review, and if it affected their review, etc. Most bloggers have simply placed a generic statement on some page of their blog, or have to go through the hassle of typing something every time they do a review post. But why take that route, when you can have a custom made, custom worded, image that you simply have to place on the post?

I create each and everyone of these to be different, so you can be sure your disclosure statement won't be seen anywhere else but on your blog! I love to design to match your existing theme, so if you'd like that done just let me know! Otherwise, I can make these in any colors, fonts, and with any elements you could possibly want.

I'm only asking for $5.00 to design the image, which will then be e-mailed to you in the highest resolution you desire.

Love and Lightning Bugs,


  1. Ooh, that disclosure is sweet! Good job!


  2. That is adorable!! Might have to order one!

  3. Very cute design. I love butterflies!

  4. That's a great idea, and very pretty!

  5. I could use something like this for my blog, love the design of the one above.

  6. I've been meaning to make one of these too. should it say 'in doing so' instead of 'I doing so'?

  7. Cute design. The wording is also good since it covers everything. Just like above, there is a typo though

  8. This is pretty awesome looking

  9. That is great! I need to make one. I have seen these around, I just need to find the time! Thanks for sharing yours. It looks great. And that is a good price. If I don't find the time soon, I will be contacting you!

  10. Nice, I made one myself but it is nothing quite as pretty as yours! :)

  11. Looks great! Except the typo;) lol Great idea though!

  12. That is so cute! I never thought to do something like. Great idea.

  13. Love this! Where do I go to order one?

  14. That's real cute!

    Danielle @ Royalegacy

  15. I like that a lot. Plus your design is great!
