Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Letters from Pippin

Sometimes I wonder if I have a magical dog. Some of you may already know this, but when I moved to Kansas, I had to leave my amazing, sweet, and loving dog, Pippin, behind. He currently lives with my parents, and I miss everyday.

So imagine my surprise when I get a card from him.

And not only did he make it himself, oh no, he also wrote in it too!

Yep, I have a magical dog. And look at that penmanship! It's like he has a thumb!

Love and Lightning Bugs,


  1. That is so cute! Pippin looks like he has a permanent smile! Makes me miss my little dog I had when I was a kid. :(

  2. That card is too cute. Looks like a handmade card. I used to make my own...just don't have the time anymore.

  3. Awwww. That's so great! I'm glad he's staying in touch with you!!

  4. awwwww Im glad he is so talented and can send you letters! I bet if you sent him one he could read it all by himself!

  5. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

  6. You have such a sweet family! How cute.

  7. Boy that card Pippin made was pretty:-) I wondered where he disappeared to for such a long time and why I now have a mess in my scrapbook room! Tell him next time he will have to clean up his mess. love momma

  8. Love it! That's adorable and what a crafty dog! My nieces found a kitten when they were down here visiting for the summer and my grandmother is keeping it because they couldn't take it home. They've already called to check on her and listen to her mew into the phone. I think little Angel is going to have to send them a card :)

  9. You have 1. a cute Blog and 2. a creative dog! :) Thanks for sharing! I'm at and love visitors :)

  10. How cute!! We are very close to our pets as well, so I know how pets are family members.

  11. That is adorable!! I wonder if my pets are smart enough to do this? ;)

  12. Very cute card. I can tell that you miss him. :)

  13. Super cute letter, thanks for sharing. And you have a terrific blog.

    Cherished Handmade Treasures
