Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Swear In

For today's Shutterbug Saturday, I wanted to share a photo I took last weekend, of my baby brother being sworn into the Air Force. 

Now, I have never been one that is in favor of the Military, and when he first told me that he was joining, I was outraged at him. But, even though I don't agree with what he's doing with his life, he's still my baby brother, and I still have to love and support him. So here he is; Eighteen, full of life, with the world on his shoulders now. He's the reason I was able to tell my Mother I'm a Pagan, and I'm hoping that one day he can share his own secrets with the world. But for now, I'll be doing what he's always done for me. Supporting and loving me, for being me. <3

Love and Lightning Bugs,

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