Saturday, April 7, 2012

Luntik and the Unicorn

Some fun critters in the news lately...

This Roe Deer, who was labelled a unicorn because of the single horn in the center of its head, was born in captivity in a research center's park in the Tuscan town of Prato, near Florence.
"This is a fantasy becoming reality," Gilberto Tozzi director of the Center of Natural Science in Prato, told the Associated Press. "The unicorn has always been a mythological animal." Such deer anomalies may have been the inspiration for the myth of the unicorn, due to their odd look and reclusive behavior.

Luntik the cat lives in Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok and caused a stir because of his four ears. He has been dubbed "Jedi Cat" by the British press. While his two main ears are perfectly normal, the small pair of vestigial ears contain no ear canals. Four-eared cats have been reported as far back as the 1950s. More recently, Yoda the cat made similar headlines in Chicago.

Love and Lightning Bugs,


  1. That cat is adorable! "Yoda the cat" tehe

  2. Sometimes nature has a way of making its creatures even more beautiful! It doesn't always work out that way, but I'm happy it did in this case.
